Host IP: Web Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0 Powered-by: ASP.NET DB Server: MsSQL no error Resp. Time(avg):361 ms Current User: SoleAtlanta Current DB: SoleAtlanta System User: SoleAtlanta Host Name: VIENNA108 Server Name: SQL2005-01 master tempdb model msdb FLIWCMain crmSuite CliniDoc epi AppServices ApplicationServices dztest personal DAOCForum DAOC8manForum GoldDigger mytest ETForum SQLCFSTore tripmaker HealthCardSystem PFMCsample PFMCData SimonDurkee leadTrackingQpay ltQpay springfield adam optimaDB optima joomla biotest MAPLA sqllotus ratedeck bookforum choc MagExp JMacksSQL FLIWC2007 synergy tripmakerv2 dfapartments FSASTORE greg McLilPawsBeta eltalardb ReportServer ReportServerTempDB KSQLDB nopcomm DurkeeProperties BBCC JTIWebsite profocusdb netvdb USADrug S2005ODNP cpstore SODNP ChampionFence askmrfranchise webpos FLIWC2008 EvenTrade cquest webpostest BlogEngine Xcart CPADIR WARREN forjains MVR MVRDB dbinellidb theradaptnew BENMACDB JMackTalk dotnetnuke k4gdwWebPage StatsTracker MediaServices oursubdivision IPHCADotNetNuke mousetrapsql fxdnn JMStore servinortedb Prime workbase AntiqueAutoRadios IPHCADotNetSQL zerbinidb Enigma TeleMarket Restorc CIS knkcleaning ResidentPortal1 BuyFor Participants mody modyschool ssmet bardiadb campmeds dbstjohnbuysell dbstjohn FLIWCMain2 FoxRun Palamedessiblog Palamidessiblog CMMtest skilltek Bentex SMSAPP zebra dbighana dbmsl ighana msl msldata datamsl db5msl BigBlue mslnew ighanadb iaghanadata SPAE dbsociety6 ASPNETDB realcoretest grafjorda dboxo dboxooxo CoffeePrimerov2 dboxopr SFBLNow ctreesmachot TriFloor dbBuzzShops ctreeTSI iedrewardsdb ctreeRoti ctreekidsNaction ctreeAura SoleAtlanta ctreeInventory Gnexx gnexxcom gnexxcom1 Gnexx1 bigbluebackup MySpiritualJournal bentextracker dbBentex TestBentex McKinleyFoods arizmidb2005 dbvidyabookstore dbDaySurgery CityofMorrow realcoredata VWF RealCoreTestDB zakodb koidb cp101 Ctreeformarwaris ctreedreamshopee dackster ctreeHMGallery jbmovilesdb Tulpen ctreeMaryLand Cassinelli soiloflife TheWineRoom dbRechargeM ARA Realitinc SQLDBTools FirstBaptist SouthernThreads CtreeRM eaampsco
Count(name) of [SoleAtlanta]..[sysobjects] where xtype=char(85) is 8 Table found: _DELETE_ProductsCategories Table found: Users Table found: Products Table found: PressMedia Table found: Specials Table found: ProductSubCategories Table found: ProductCategories Table found: dtproperties
Count(name) of [master]..[sysobjects] where xtype=char(85) is 5 Table found: spt_fallback_db Table found: spt_fallback_dev Table found: spt_fallback_usg Table found: spt_monitor Table found: spt_values
Count(name) of [msdb]..[sysobjects] where xtype=char(85) is 9 Table found: restorefilegroup Table found: logmarkhistory Table found: suspect_pages Table found: backupmediaset Table found: backupmediafamily Table found: backupset Table found: backupfile Table found: restorehistory Table found: restorefile
Thanks to d33ds!!! |