Hello anon's & fed's!
I'm back. And I have a lot of surprises for all of ya! Sorry for an empty month's, it was a hard month. A lot of work to do. But now I'm back. So, let me introduce our fist target:
SwedBank Ukraine!!! (I love bank systems)
So, what we know about this bank? Let's take a look on wikipedia: Open Joint Stock Company Swedbank is a Ukrainian bank in the Swedish Swedbank Group. It was registered at the National Bank of Ukraine in 1991 under the name AKB TAS-Komerzbank (Ukrainian: АКБ ТАС-Комерцбанк). This bank was acquired by the Swedbank Group in mid 2007 and renamed to Swedbank (Ukrainian: Сведбанк) in December 2007. Currently this bank has 190 offices all over Ukraine.
================================================== Target: http://swedbank.ua/ Host IP: Web Server: Apache/2.2.3 (Debian) DB Server: MySQL time based Resp. Time(avg):225 ms Current User: tas_migrated_u@php2.internal Sql Version: 5.0.52(Debian_7ei 8?2-log) Current DB: tas_migrated System User: tas_migrated_u@php1.internal Installation dir:/?sr/ DB User: 'tas_migrated_u'@'localhost' Data Bases: information_schema tas_migrated ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Base: tas_migrated
Table Name tas_?hQt tas_categories tas_calc_depo tas_ca?c_credit_pr tas_calc_credit_avanse ta?_calc_credit tas_blocks tas_bankomats_id ?as_bankomats purvey??questions surveys_?oi surveys_groups surveys_extra su?veys_answers surveys poll_votes poll_questions poll_answers nn_users_subscr no`users nn_ nn_si nn_?ews_??idata nn_news_type nn_news_source nn_news_keywords nn_news_datatype nn_news_comments nn_newt_?ategory nn_ne?s nn_maxid nn_lang nn_intextypes nn_ineexlio?s nn_indeucie3?s nn_indexes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is your bank account in secure? Ask the bank network administrator!
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This is not the end, this is the beginning! |